Protecting Nature’s Future.Today.

Global Anti-Poaching and Conservation Force

What We Do

Anti Poaching


Protecting Wildlife, Marine & Plant Species Globally

Fostering Long Term Sustainability



Supporting Conservation Efforts on a global Scale

Trained Anti-Poaching Force

We are revolutionising the fight against poaching and biodiversity loss on a global scale. Our elite rangers are a specialised anti-poaching force.

Combat Conservation Corps

An Elite Military Trained Anti-Poaching Force

The Combat Conservation Corps stands as a formidable force in the frontline battle against poaching and environmental degradation. Armed with a unique blend of military expertise and a deep-rooted passion for safeguarding our planet's biodiversity, these veterans operate with unwavering commitment and precision. They protect endangered species and preserve fragile ecosystems, making them a beacon of hope in the fight for a sustainable future. Embrace the opportunity to be part of something greater, where every step taken and every skill honed serves to protect our planet's delicate balance.

With valor born from their military backgrounds, they now stand as champions against poaching and habitat destruction, safeguarding the essence of our planet's diversity.

Global Partners

A Movement for the Wild

Spotlight on WildArk

WildArk's mission is to promote and support activities that educate, enable, provide resources or inspire humanity to sustainably conserve, protect or restore the environment and the world’s ecosystems, natural resources, wildlife and wild places.

"Fight poaching, protect wildlife, and preserve nature's legacy."

— Armand du Plessis, founder and CEO